Compassion India Patna

आप सबको बताते हुए खुशी हो रही है कि मैंने Compassion India के नाम से एक ट्रस्ट रजिस्टर्ड कराया है। इस ट्रस्ट के जरिए वैसे गरीब लड़के लड़कियों को मदद किया जाएगा जो जहीन होते हुए भी पैसे की तंगी के चलते आगे पढ़ नहीं पाते और अपनी ज़िन्दगी को कामयाब नही बना पातेे हैं।

ट्रस्ट के जरिए गरीब बच्चों को स्कूल में दाखिला कराना,10th पास गरीब बच्चों को चुन कर उन्हे आई टी आई मै दाखिला कराना, 12th पास बच्चों को चुन कर उन्हे इंजीनियरिंग, मेडिकल, पारा मेडिकल, बी सी ए , बी एड मे दाखिला दिलाना और उनकी पढ़ाई में मदद करना ट्रस्ट का पहला क़दम होगा।

जैसे जैसे ट्रस्ट परवान चढ़ेगा वैसे वैसे और भी फलाह का काम किया जाएगा। इन सब फलाही काम मे सवाब के लिए आप भी हिस्सा ले सकते हैं। अगर आप मेरे साथ मिलकर काम करना चाहते हैं तो आपका खैर मकदम है। आपके द्वारा दिए गए अनुदान में से कोई भी प्रतिशत प्रशासकीय खर्च के नाम पर नही काटा जाएगा । आपका पूरा पैसा गरीब बच्चों की पढ़ाई पर खर्च किया जाएगा ।ट्रस्ट को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए आपकी मदद कि भी ज़रूरत होगी। आप अपना ताउन , सदका, जकात, अतिया आदि ट्रस्ट के इस current account में भेज सकते हैं |

Compassion India is a registered trust of 2016. The trust is dedicated to Educational and Health development of poorest of the poor, downtrodden, destitutes, orphans. Presently in a limited resources the trust is sponsoring the education of poor boys and girls. The trust picks up poor boys and girls and get them admitted in the school. Encourage the parents who can not afford education for their children to get their children admitted to school and the trust bears the cost of education, selects poor boys and girls who have done 10th ( O level)and 12th ( A level ) and get them admitted to Medical, Engineering, Para medical, B Ed, ITI, Diploma Vocational Courses. Also arranges coaching for competitive exams to make students viable for their family.

You are welcome. You can be a part of good deeds. No percentage of your contribution will be deducted on the name of administrative expenditure. Your total money will be directed to the education of poors. If you wish to contribute for the furtherance of the Trust you can send your alms, Zakat, Sadqa, Atiya etc to the Trust on the following bank details;

Account Name :

Compassion India

Bank Name :

Indusind Bank, Anisabad, Patna

Account No. :


IFSC Code :


अगर आप अपना ताऊन इंटरनेट बैंकिंग या UPI से भेजते हैं तो स्क्रीन शॉट को मुझे whatsapp नंबर पर भेजें ताकि मैं आपका शुक्रिया अदा कर सकूं।
In case you send your contribution through Internet Banking or UPI, please send a screen shot on the whatsapp no.
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What We Do?

THIS DEED OF TRUST made on this 20th day of April by (1) Dr Parwez AkhterS/o. Late Noor Mohammad Ansari R/o. House no 259, Sector II, Haroon Nagar, Phulwarisharif, Patna 801505 hereinafter called the Author of the Trust which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning there of includes his heirs, executors, and administrators, etc., whereas Author of the Trust is possessed of and otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the sum of Rs. 50000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) hereinafter referred to as said property. Whereas the Author of the Trust desire to irrevocably endowing the said funds upon trust for public, improvement of the social and human conditions of the poorest of the poor , destitute , down trodden , under privileged , helpless , orphans , oldage persons , needy , providing help in the health facility and for the alleviation of educational and cultural barriers in their development as hereinafter expressed and contained in this presents and in pursuance of suchdesire have already transferred paid and handed over the said property to the trustees mentioned below.

WHEREAS it is the desire of the Author of the Trust that the Corpus of the Trust may be further augmented from time to time by flow of funds and other assets including moveable and immovable and any other kind by way of Gifts, or Donations, acquisitions, allotments, grant exchange or otherwise etc.,

WHEREAS the following persons are appointed to be trustees for holding the said property in Trust for the purposes detailed in this Trust Deed:

1 Romana Nezami W/o Parwez Akhter R/o 259, Sector II, Haroon Nagar, Phulwarisharif, Patna.
2 Faria Akhter D/o Parwez Akhter R/o 259, Sector II, Haroon Nagar, Phulwarisharif, Patna
3 Azimunnisa Ansari W/o Late Noor Mohammad Ansari R/o 259,Sector II, Haroon Nagar ,Phulwarisharif, Patna
4 Mohammad Salahuddin S/o Late Md. Nizamuddin R/o Rahmat Colony, Doranda, P.O. & P.S. Doranda, Dist. Ranchi.
5 Akhter Wasif S/o Late Noor Mohammad Ansari R/o Flat no 501, Saket Enclave, Khajepura, Baily Road, Patna

Report of FY 2021-22

The Compassion India is taking strides in helping the poor students by paying their fees of school and colleges and making them to pursue their studies. Aman Foundation is running CBSE Schools in two districts of Bihar and imparting quality education with deeniyat . We have taken the responsibility of 10 students of Aman Academy @ 1000/- per students . Another school Raah E Numa is also imparting quality education with Deeniyat to the sons and daughters of Labourers and Maids . We have taken responsibility of 10 students of Raah E Numa @ 1000/- per students . Madarsa Darul Ulum Assadiya , Khiribandh, Bhagalpur is imparting computer training to the students of Madarsa and making them economically viable . We have taken responsibility of 03 students of Madarsa Darul Ulum Assadiya @ 500/- per student. Jamia Islamia Taalimul Asma , Khalilpura , Patna is also making students of Madarsa to sit in the 10 th Exam of BSEB and get the school Certificate. We have taken responsibility of 04 students of Jamia Islamia Taalimul Asma @ 500/- per student. Besides that the following individual students have been adopted for their studies in different streams . They are the students who can not afford the fees of their studies , reason either loss of father or earning member of the family or the family is too poor to provide education . They are ,

01 Rani Abbas and Uzma Abbas , Lost their father 02Aliya Firdaus , lost her father
03Aiman Parween , daughter of a divorced mother who works as maid 04Md Tanzeem , recommended by Bihar Anjuman , persuing Diploma in Engineering
05 Md Masood , recommended by Bihar Anjuman, persuing Diploma in Engineering 06 Md Arwaz Abdi recommended by Bihar Anjuman, persuing Diploma in Engineering
07 Md Azmain recommended by Bihar Anjuman, persuing Diploma in Engineering 08 Amrina Khurshid , Father lost job in Covid
09 Aleena Zaheer , father lost job due to severe illness 10 Shadan Alam , lost his father due to Covid
11 Adnaan Nasar , lost his father due to Covid 12 Shadan Nasar , lost his father due to Covid
13 Zubin Khan , Lost her father due to Covid 14 Kaneez Fatima , recommended by Bihar Anjuman and persuing Paramedics Studies
15 Md Shahwaz , recommended by Bihar Anjuman and persuing Paramedics Studies 16 Tahir Hussain , recommended by Bihar Anjuman and persuing Paramedics Studies
17 Danish Alam , recommended by Bihar Anjuman and persuing Paramedics Studies 18 Ayaan Asif , lost his father due to brain hemorrhage
19 Areeba Asif , lost her father due to brain hemorrhage 20 Nishat Parween , daughter of an unemployed driver .
Thus in one year and with great help of yours Compassion India has been able to provide educational support to 48 very needy students. Allah (SWT) will give you all the ajr of this kind deed . Aameen.


The objects for which the Trust is founded are:

To create an umbrella under which all the like minded people and institutions and organisations can come and strive jointly to alleviate the poverty and to ameliorate the living and social and hygienic conditions of the poorest of the poor , downtrodden, weak, deprived, malnourished, illiterate people irrespective of their religion, caste and creed and also ;

To establish, maintain and run Schools, Colleges, Social service centres, Industrial Training centre, Health centres.

To establish, Training Centre, and allied education institutions.

To establish, Cultural, and Social Institutions.

To Spread for promotion of education and learning in all branches more specifically in Science and Technology.

To advance Indian Culture and Literature, Service of this Country for the benefit of our Nation.

To train teachers and workers in ideals and practice of the true spirit of the education and learning.

To establish research and training centres for the furtherance of education/learning in it’s various fields and branches.

To undertake propaganda, training and education of themasses either of its own or in co-operation with similarAgencies working for the cause of all round development of the Society

To bring, publish and sell, distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures and papers and also to open and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.

To function as a Non-communal Trust and as a secular organisation.

To establish centres for employment generation.

To acquire and maintain the movables and immovable properties for achieving and said objects.

To advance any other objects of general public utility.

To confer title on eminent personality in the field of science, education, literature, etc.

To establish the colleges to impart education in the area of higher education especially the emerging field like, Electronics, Bio-technology, and other allied fields.

The trust shall be an irrevocable public educational, cultural, health trust for the benefit of all persons belonging to whatever community irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion, the Trustees shall stand possessed of the said amount of corpus endowed by the Author of the trust and such other properties (both movable and immovable) as may be acquired from time to time by the Trust, by purchase, exchange, grant, allotment, subscription, endowment, donation, contribution, or in any manner to whatsoever (all of which shall be designed as Trust properties) on the Trust herein mentioned.


Aman Foundation - Md Owais: +91 9002080951

This organization is running CBSE Schools in different districts of Bihar and imparting quality education with Deeniyat . Compassion India has taken the responsibility of 10 students of Aman Academy @ 1000/- per student.

Raah E Numa - Md Mushtaque: +91 7366021106

This is an School imparting quality education with deeniyat to the sons and daughters of Laborers and Maids. Compassion India has taken responsibility of 10 students @ 1000/- per student.

Madarsa Darul Ulum Assadiya , Khiribandh , Bhagalpur - Md Zahid: +91 9430023514

This madarsa is imparting computer training to the students of Madarsa and making them economically viable . Compassion India has taken responsibility of 03 students @ 500/- per student .

Jamia Islamia Taalimul Asma , Khalilpura , Patna - Zeya Qasmi: +91 9835661708

This Madarsa is making students of madarsa to sit in the 10th examination of BSEB and get the school certificate thus making madarsa students to join the main stream . Compassion India has taken responsibility of 04 students @ 500/- per student.

Rani Abbas - Mobile No.: +91 9308139754

Lost her father and the main bread earner . She is being helped for studies @ 1000/- per month.

Uzma Abbas - Mobile No.: +91 9708810122

Lost her father and the main bread earner. She is being helped for studies @ 1000/- per month.

Aliya Firdaus - Mobile No.: +91 9934512314

Lost her father and the main bread earner. She is being helped for studies @ 3000/- per month.

Aiman Parween - Mobile No.: +91 9771198249

She is the daughter of a divorcee maid. She is being helped for studies @ 1500/- per month .

Md Tanzeem - Mobile No.: +91 7562043020

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma Engineering , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Md Masood - Mobile No.: +91 7324981527

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma Engineering , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Md Arwaz Abdi - Mobile No.: +91 9534838596

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma Engineering , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Md Azmain - Mobile No.: +91 9523214820

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma Engineering , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Amrina Khurshid - Mobile No.: +91 9835063175

Her father lost job in Covid . She is being helped for studies @ 2000/- per month.

Alina Zafar - Mobile No.: +91 7634995550

Her father lost job in Covid . She is being helped for studies @ 2000/- per month.

Shadan Alam - Mobile No.: +91 8340393419

A student of final year of Engineering unable to pay the fees of final year due to loss of father . He has been helped one time for the fees @ 42000/- one time only.

Kaniz Fatima - Mobile No.: +91 8084349786

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Paramedics Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Adnan Nasar - Mobile No.: +91 9304151124

Lost his father and the main bread earner in Covid. He is being helped for studies @ 3000/- per month.

Shadan Nasar - Mobile No.: +91 7543036049

Lost his father and the main bread earner in Covid . He is being helped for studies @ 3000/- per month .

Zubin Khan - Mobile No.: +91 9472639852

Lost her father and the main bread earner in Covid . She is being helped for studies @ 500/- per month.

Md Shahwaz - Mobile No.: +91 9199312031

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Paramedics Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Tahir Hussain - Mobile No.: +91 6200074341

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Paramedics Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Danish Alam - Mobile No.: +91 7783858747

A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Paramedics Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Ayan Asif - Mobile No.: +91 9931637738

Lost his father and the main bread earner due to brain hemorrhage . He is being helped for studies @ 3000/- per month.

Areeba Asif - Mobile No.: +91 9507458102

Lost her father and the main bread earner due to brain hemorrhage . She is being helped for studies @ 3000/- per month.

Nishat Parween - Mobile No.: +91 9304079042

Daughter of an unemployed poor driver. She is being helped for studies @ 500/- per month.

Danish & Nayera - Mobile No.: +91 8651805430

Son and daughter of Md Moheeb a poor battery mechanic

Aman Ali - Mobile No.: +91 7352094102

Son of a rikshaw puller . Being helped to complete his ITI

Md Ashraf - Mobile No.: +91 9117454196

He lost his father due to illness. Being helped to complete his ITI

Taufique Alam - Mobile No.: +91 7352138767

son of Late Abdul Ghaffar . Being helped to complete his ITI

Aliya Reshma - Mobile No.: +91 8340470861

Daughter of Tuffail and Reshma . Tuffail lost his Tea shop at Gomoh Railway Station due to cancellation of all old agreements which were more than 20 years old. Because of that suddenly Tuffail became jobless. He has no means to support the education of his children . Therefore his daughter Aliya is being helped @ 1500/- per month for education .

Amir Reshma - Mobile No.: +91 9693442310

Son of Tuffail and Reshma . Tuffail lost his Tea shop at Gomoh Railway Station due to cancellation of all old agreements which were more than 20 years old. Because of that suddenly Tuffail became jobless. He has no means to support the education of his children . Therefore his daughter Aliya is being helped @ 1500/- per month for education.

Sabreen Perween - Mobile No.: +91 8226881923

D/O Md Alamgeer a Motor Mechanic . A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma MLT Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Kainat Farima - Mobile No.: +91 7667559847

D/O Md Shakeel Alam a Tailor. . A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma MLT Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Nazia Tabassum - Mobile No.: +91 8207698758

D/O Md Muzaffar Ansari a Painter. . A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma MLT Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Nazreen Perween - Mobile No.: +91 9263154550

D/O Md Badre Alam small Businessman . . A poor but meritorious student recommended by Bihar Anjuman for help to pursue the studies of Diploma MLT Course , is being helped @ 3000/- per month.

Danyal Ahmed & Asad Ahmed & Humair Khalid Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

sons of Khalid Ahmed a poor sales man . Being helped for school studies.

Md Nizamul Haque Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

A poor teacher being helped to impart tution to poor madarsa boys.

Fatima Zohra Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

daughter of Manzar Parwez who lost his job due to Hiatus Hernia .

Sanobar Parween Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

an orphan girl being helped to complete her B Ed education from a govt College .

Zaid Hassan Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

a poor student , got selected for Diploma Engineering through Bihar Anjuman test . He is being helped to complete his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.

Md Sonu Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

a poor student , got selected for Diploma Engineering through Bihar Anjuman test . He is being helped to complete his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.

Dawood Hussain Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

a poor student , got selected for Diploma Engineering through Bihar Anjuman test . He is being helped to complete his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.

Fahmina Aliya Mobile No.: +91 0000000000

a poor student , got selected for Para Medical course through Bihar Anjuman test . She is being helped to complete her para medical course .

Our Donors / Members

Dr Parwez Akhter,IPS,DIG Retd.

Founder and Chairperson

Dr Faria akhter

Trustee Member

Dr Shams Gulrez

Trustee Member

Akhter Wasif

Trustee Member

Azimunnisa Ansari

Trustee Member

Md Salahuddin

Trustee Member

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