The objects for which the Trust is founded are:
To create an umbrella under which all the like minded people and institutions and organisations can come and strive jointly to alleviate the poverty and to ameliorate the living and social and hygienic conditions of the poorest of the poor , downtrodden, weak, deprived, malnourished, illiterate people irrespective of their religion, caste and creed and also ;
To establish, maintain and run Schools, Colleges, Social service centres, Industrial Training centre, Health centres.
To establish, Training Centre, and allied education institutions.
To establish, Cultural, and Social Institutions.
To Spread for promotion of education and learning in all branches more specifically in Science and Technology.
To advance Indian Culture and Literature, Service of this Country for the benefit of our Nation.
To train teachers and workers in ideals and practice of the true spirit of the education and learning.
To establish research and training centres for the furtherance of education/learning in it’s various fields and branches.
To undertake propaganda, training and education of themasses either of its own or in co-operation with similarAgencies working for the cause of all round development of the Society
To bring, publish and sell, distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures and papers and also to open and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.
To function as a Non-communal Trust and as a secular organisation.
To establish centres for employment generation.
To acquire and maintain the movables and immovable properties for achieving and said objects.
To advance any other objects of general public utility.
To confer title on eminent personality in the field of science, education, literature, etc.
To establish the colleges to impart education in the area of higher education especially the emerging field like, Electronics, Bio-technology, and other allied fields.
The trust shall be an irrevocable public educational, cultural, health trust for the benefit of all persons belonging to whatever community irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion, the Trustees shall stand possessed of the said amount of corpus endowed by the Author of the trust and such other properties (both movable and immovable) as may be acquired from time to time by the Trust, by purchase, exchange, grant, allotment, subscription, endowment, donation, contribution, or in any manner to whatsoever (all of which shall be designed as Trust properties) on the Trust herein mentioned.